Bolton: British Liver Trust free screening roadshow comes to town
A mobile unit was set up in Victoria Square to find out what preventative measures people can take to keep their liver healthy and be offered a free liver scan.
Project manager for the British Liver Trust, Jonathan Worsfold, says that causes and deaths for liver disease are still rising whereas other causes and deaths for the majority of diseases are either static or falling away.
It is one of the largest causes of premature death in the UK, but most forms can be prevented or reversed.
He said: “People should get checked out and find out if there is any damage.
“The earlier it is detected, the better chance there is to reduce and then reverse the damage.
“The symptoms fall very late and as fat builds up the liver can’t keep up with trying to heal itself, and by the time it has gotten this far, it can’t get back to being healthy.”
Mr Worsfold also explained that Covid had a huge impact with many people who were stressed or anxious, sometimes drinking more alcohol and comfort eating and not exercising.
He added: “Alcohol and obesity are the biggest risk factors.
“It became more challenging during lockdown where some were struggling to get into their normal routine afterwards and not assessing what the damage would be.”
One in 10 adults in Bolton may be walking around with liver disease and be completely unaware.
In the UK, one in three adults are at risk of liver disease, and around one in five adults drink more than the weekly guideline limit.
Men and women are advised to not drink more than 14 units a week, which can be spread over several days.
Mr Worsfold said that if people are worried, they should go to their GP.
While the British Liver Trust typically go on the roadshow to raise awareness, they are not around all the time.
The roadshow is taken all over the country, and the truck was most recently set up in Northern Ireland, with plans to be set up in Manchester city centre for the next two days, before moving on to Stockport.
For more information and to find out if you are at risk, click here ( to take a free health quiz.
Source – INDIA TV