Bed bound Lancashire dad transforms life and loses 15kg

Rob White fought back from his injury, as well as the grief of losing a close friend, thanks to the support of a fitness firm.

Rob, 32, from Bolton and now lives in Whittle-le-Woods with his wife Kelly and his seven-year-old daughter, couldn’t get out of bed earlier this year after suffering a stress fracture in his lower back.

Now as 2023 draws to a close, he himself in a much happier place thanks, in part, to the support and guidance of coaches at May Wellbeing.

Rob said: “It was a stress fracture in my lower back – I slipped on the decking on New Year’s Eve.

“I’d like to point out that I was carrying the washing and was not drinking.

“I was bed-bound for a week over the New Year period – and then homebound because I couldn’t get in the car and get anywhere. I was in agony for weeks, essentially stuck in bed.”

Rob joined May Wellbeing in April and has since lost 15kg of body fat – more than two stone – and rediscovered his confidence.

Like many, he had tried other gyms and considered himself to be relatively active, but lack of knowledge on how to make the best decisions in terms of his exercise and his diet meant that he found himself unhappy with his body image, with his injury only making progress harder.

He said: “Between the injury and starting at May Wellbeing, I was just feeling sorry for myself and moping about quite a bit, not really able to do anything.

“Work was impacted. I had a car that really wasn’t good for my body, so I’d get out of the car with a customer and wouldn’t be able to walk.

“Even standing up for too long, I’d be struggling. I went from a relatively young and healthy adult to actually struggling to move about.

“Lots had changed since I started. My posture has improved – I feel taller! I’ve got genuine body confidence and have rediscovered my love of going clothes shopping.

“There was a point where I would just buy clothes online, usually a size up just so I know it’s going to fit me. But I was really hating clothes and really hating formal nights out.”

Rob stopped playing football due to injuries but still considered himself to be fit – and capable of losing the weight he wanted to at any point.

It was, however, the death of his close friend that initially made him reflect on the need to change his lifestyle.

Rob added: “I’m 32 now – when I was 30, my friend had a sudden heart attack and died.

“We had different lifestyles but there were similarities and it really caught our friendship group off-guard.

“You notice things in your own life where you think that’s not going to help long term. Things like going out every weekend, making sure you have a pizza on your way home or else it’s not a good night.

“So you look at that and think the same could happen if you’re not careful. It puts things into perspective when you start to think about your family, and your little girl.”

Rob now believes his life is moving in the direction that he wants it to.

He added: “A lot of it has changed purely because of my confidence levels.

“I’d say I’m an introvert, but now I feel like I can come out of my shell more in social scenarios, which is important.

“I wouldn’t say I’ve felt held back by this previously but I’ve always been conscious of it. Now, I’m excited for social events and nights out rather than just dreading what I’m going to wear.

“I’ve got more energy, I’m not tired when I wake up in the morning. It makes for a much more productive day.”

Sarah May Webster and Louis Mayers opened the small group personal-training gym May Wellbeing in Clayton-le-Woods in 2019 and are delighted with the progress Rob has made.

They said: “At the start of the year, Rob was struggling and felt like his body was failing him.

“Thanks to his own hard work and the decisions he’s making now, he’s managed to turn that around.

“Seeing the impact that this sort of training and knowledge can have in such a short space of time always makes us very proud.”

Source – INDIA TV