The Bolton Lions’ Christmas toy appeal launches

The famous appeal has been running for more than 40 years but, in recent times, numbers of local families needing help with gifts at Christmas has grown significantly.

Now, Bolton Lions believe that, with the current cost of living crisis, there is an unprecedented level of need. And their aim is to raise a minimum of £24,000 to ensure that no child is without presents on Christmas morning.

“We need that money in order to buy vouchers for secondary school children and to supplement the toys we receive from the public,” Lions’ spokesman Ray Stafford said.

“We know that times are tough for everyone but we have always had wonderful support from the Bolton public and we’re grateful for any toys we receive.”

Last year, the appeal provided gifts for 1,735 local children in 914 families.

More than 7,800 toys were distributed for 0 to 11 year-olds and 431 12 to 17 year-olds each received a £30 gift voucher.

There were referrals from 34 organisations and partner charities in Bolton and help for the appeal came from local businesses like builders Seddons and individuals right across the borough.

As in the last four decades, The Bolton News is once more partnering with the Lions to ensure that all the children referred to the appeal receive gifts.

The Bolton News editor Richard Duggan, who is also Newsquest’s North West regional editor, said: “We’re always happy to support the Bolton Lions’ Christmas Appeal because we know that, this year in particular, there will be many local households where money will be very short.

“There will be hundreds of families relying on this campaign in order to give gifts of any kind to their children and we would urge everyone to support it in any way they can.”

The campaign is also supported by Bolton FM where Keith Harris added: “This year, the numbers in need of our help have risen and we appeal to all our listeners and our partners and contacts to once again help ensure Christmas 2023 forgets no-one in the Bolton family.”

Donations of cash can be sent to or go to the Lion’s website

Donations of toys can be taken to any of the 21 shops, businesses and other organisations listed here.

Source – INDIA TV