Bolton: Milan Kumar leads way on Royal Mail challenge
Milan Paul Kumar has been asked to help Royal Mail promote a campaign to encourage children to write letters.
The 11-year-old was chosen thanks to his love of writing letters and in particular the efforts he puts in to writing to elderly residents in the borough’s care homes.
Now, Royal Mail hope that he will encourage others his age to pick up and pen and paper and start writing letters.
Milan said: “During lockdown, I started writing letters to people because I didn’t want them to be lonely.
“My favourite part is posting letters into red post boxes and receiving them.
Milan Kumar is helping promote the campaign (Image: Royal Mail)
“Seeing my name on the envelope somebody actually cared and has sat down and taken the time to write a letter.”
Milan has already won national awards for his letter writing to elderly care home residents and was nominated by Bakewells and Shannon Court as Bolton News Young Person of the Year that very skill.
With lockdown now over, Milan continues to write to many of the care home residents.
Royal Mail now hopes that other young people will be inspired by his actions to get involved in letter writing and postcard sending themselves.
Milan has already featured in a video promoting the Royal Mail Summer Challenge and will feature in further over the coming weeks.
In a statement Royal Mail said: “Creative children can use our pre-designed templates providing a little helping hand with some extra structure, or go wild with a basic outline and space for all their imagination can conjure up!
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“You can also use plain paper.
“To help get the creative juices flowing, letter-fan Milan, age 11, and Postie Terry will have weekly videos to tell you about all the fun things, from super stamps to how we put letters inside huge machines to get them from post box to your letterbox.
“Each week, there’s a fun challenge to complete, and a chart to follow your progress to becoming a superstar letter writer, along with 10 big prizes of £50 voucher codes for the Postal Museum’s online shop!”
To find out more about the challenge, go to Royal Mail’s Summer Challenge on the Royal Mail’s website.
Source – INDIA TV