Little Lever: Vote on Stopes Road housing estate plan looms
The scheme aims to build a mixture of two, three and four-bedroom houses off Stopes Road in Little Lever.
Originally, outline permission had been granted for 132 houses but now the proposal will be up for debate again after developers the Harworth Group moved to increase this to 142.
A Bolton Council report said: “The dwellings have been designed to give a contemporary look to the development with tall gables, large fenestration details and simplified design.
“Large areas of open space are incorporated into the layout.
The plans will be debated next week (Image: Harworth Seddon)
“A village green will be sited to the north of the site entrance and will include a play area.
“The northern third of the site is to be retained as open space, the intention is to keep this area relatively wild to incorporate well with the wider and natural green belt land.”
The proposal has a long history behind it having first been lodged in September 2020 with changes having been made since then.
An outline proposal, meaning a rough idea of the plans, was approved in June 2021 but now that the number of houses has been altered, they will need to be debated at a full meeting of Bolton Council’s planning committee.
The land is found off Stopes Road in Little Lever (Image: Google Maps)
But the committee members have already been recommended to back the scheme by council officers.
The report said: “It is not considered that the increase in the number of dwellings from 132 to 142 will have any greater impact on the openness or purposes of the green belt than the extant outline scheme.
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“The proposal is therefore considered to comply with policy in this respect.”
It added: “The transport statement indicates that the increase in the number of dwellings from 132 to 142 will result in only a marginal increase in traffic on the surrounding highway network and highway engineers confirm that, ‘this increase should be accommodated with minimal additional detriment/severity to road safety, amenity and operational capacity and would thus be compliant with the requirements indicated in current planning policy guidance.’”
A vote is set to be taken at Bolton town hall on Thursday June 20.
Source – INDIA TV